Q: Why “Chocolate Kimchi”? That sounds disgusting.

A: Ash came up with the name, and Moon’s subsequent reaction was something along the lines of, “Eww, that’s nasty!” However, it’s not meant to be read as “kimchi made with chocolate” but rather that Ash loves chocolate and Moon loves kimchi. Hence, Chocolate Kimchi Scans (Ash’s reasoning was that it was just quirky enough to work)!

Q: I would like to help. Is CKS hiring?

A: We think we’re probably the only scanlation group who isn’t (laugh). We appreciate that there are people who would like to help us, but since we’re incredibly disorganized and ultimately too dysfunctional as human beings for collaboration, we’re going to stay a two-person scan group for the time being. This means that we’ll remain relatively small and that we’ll only be able to take on a few projects at a time, but we do hope to stay fairly active on those that we are currently working on! On another note, there are loads of scan groups looking for help – offer them your assistance if you can!

Q: Would you be interested in doing a joint project?

A: If you are a part of a scan group that would like to collaborate with CKS, please contact us at chocolatekimchiscans(at)gmail(dot)com with your proposal! Though we can’t make any promises at any given time, we’d be more than happy to consider taking up a joint project! In particular, groups who can offer their cleaning services would be much appreciated!

Q: Will CKS ever start scanlating traditional manhwa rather than just webtoons?

A: We currently have no plans to take up any manhwa projects. For one, we are broke college students who can’t afford to purchase raw volumes (laugh). For another, Ash uses Paint Shop Pro for cleaning, which is vastly inferior to Photoshop, so we don’t have powerful enough software to produce good quality manhwa scans.

Q: Can my scanlation group translate CKS’s projects into a language other than English?

A: If you are part of a non-English scanlation group and would like to use CKS’s translations, please contact us at chocolatekimchiscans(at)gmail(dot)com. Most likely, the answer will be yes, just so long as you credit us for our work!

Q: Can I host CKS projects on other websites?

A: Yes, just as long as you keep in the credits and keep our projects off paysites!

Q: Who comes up with the funny/random pictures in the blog posts?

A: Ash is always the one who creates the images and usually comes up with the ideas off the top of her head, though she also takes suggestions from Moon when they are offered. She apologizes if she is not very funny.

Q: Why were there originally a bunch of obvious spelling mistakes on this page that have since been corrected?

A: We would like to believe that Ash was having an off-day when she made this page (laugh).

Have a question that’s not listed here? Give us a shout at chocolatekimchiscans(at)gmail(dot)com!

So, what do you think?